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"WaRis - Tiroler Filmarchiv" is tracing the plenty of various stories of Tyrol as a film location. We are collecting filmmaterials, photos and documents. We also try to secure film-estates. Another part of our work is the documentary and analyse of historical facts.
On the following pages you can experience more about our archive and the fascinating history oft filming in Tyrol as well as about the voluminous amount of films made in Tyrol.
We both aren´t native English speakers. If we made grammatical errors or mistakes
by using wrong descriptions, please let us know!
The cartoon oft the cameramen of our logo originate from Walter Riml.
He drew himself and his assisten Hannes Staudinger on the occasion of a film party that took place on March1st, 1936 during his shooting oft he film „The daughter oft the Samurai“.
The original drawing can still be found in the guestbook oft the „Kobold Ski Club“ in Japan.
This drawing is trademark and copyright protected. Download or use in any form is allowed only with written permission.